
There are two groups(gv009 and vehicle), three dosages(0mpk, 30mpk and 60mpk) and three drug batchs(201902, 201905, 201906) for this project.

 comparison of treatment of different dosages of gv009 on LLC tumor mice model (201902).

 comparison of treatment of different dosages of gv009 on LLC tumor mice model (201905).

 comparison of treatment of different dosages of gv009 on LLC tumor mice model (201906).

Analysis detail

Analysis detail for selected projects from project’s 16S RNA sequencing data set

Data filtering

Low abundance taxa were filtered out

filter <- phyloseq::genefilter_sample(phy, filterfun_sample(function(x) x >= 5))
phy_fil <- prune_taxa(filter, phy)
metat_fil <- meta(phy_fil)
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 934 taxa and 83 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 83 samples by 32 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 934 taxa by 6 taxonomic ranks ]
## refseq()      DNAStringSet:      [ 934 reference sequences ]


phy_core <- core(phy_fil, detection = 0.0005, prevalence = .25)
metat_core <- meta(phy_core)
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 299 taxa and 83 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 83 samples by 32 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 299 taxa by 6 taxonomic ranks ]
## refseq()      DNAStringSet:      [ 299 reference sequences ]

Prevalence filter had big effect on data, only 299 taxa survived after 0.25 prevalence filtering

Taxa prevalence

ps.rar <- rarefy_even_depth(phy, sample.size =  min(sample_sums(phy)))
p.rar <- plot_taxa_prevalence(ps.rar, "Phylum")

Samples size and taxa richness

##### Raw data
otu_tab <- t(abundances(phy))
p1 <- vegan::rarecurve(otu_tab, 
                      step = 100, label = T, 
                      col = "blue", cex = 0.6,main="all taxa")

##### Raw data
otu_tab <- t(abundances(phy_core))
p2 <- vegan::rarecurve(otu_tab, ylab = NULL,main="core taxa",
                      step = 100, label = T, 
                      col = "red", cex = 0.6)

par(mfrow=c(1,1))# reset

Sample X17774 are obviously different from other samples, so it is removed from phyloseq and meta table.

Exploratory analysis

# delete sample X17774
s1 <- rownames(subset(meta(phy), SampleID != "X17774"))
phy <- prune_samples(s1, phy)
s2 <- rownames(subset(meta(phy_core), SampleID != "X17774"))
phy_core <- prune_samples(s1, phy_core)
metat_core <- meta(phy_core)
# CLR transformed data
pca_tab <- t(otu_table(phy_core)+1)
pca = mixOmics::pca(pca_tab, ncomp = 10, center = T, scale = F,logratio = "CLR")


60 mpk are more obvious and there seem no difference between 0 mpk and 30 mpk.

Drug batch

  Drug_batch_[is.na(Drug_batch_)] <- "water"
mixOmics::plotIndiv(pca, comp=c(1,2), group = as.factor(Drug_batch_), ind.names = F,
                    legend = TRUE, legend.title = "Drug_batch",
                    title = 'comp 1 - 2',
                    abline = T,
                    style = "graphics",
                    point.lwd = 2,
                    ellipse = F)

Cage number

Cage effect is observed by PCA.

Drug batch + Dosage

mixOmics::plotIndiv(pca, comp=c(1,2), group = as.factor(paste(metat_core$Dosage,metat_core$Drug_batch,sep="_")), ind.names = F,
                    legend = TRUE, legend.title = "Dosage + Drug_batch",
                    title = 'comp 1 - 2',
                    abline = T,
                    # col = c("yellow", "yellow","yellow", "yellow","yellow", "yellow", "yellow"),
                    style = "graphics",
                    point.lwd = 2,
                    ellipse = F)

Drug_batch is obviously observed by PCA.

Drug batch (201902)

Alpha Diversity




Beta diversity

Density landscape
pseq.rel <- microbiome::transform(phy_core_sub, "compositional")
otu <- abundances(pseq.rel)
input_meta <- meta(pseq.rel)
sample_data(pseq.rel) <- input_meta

# visualization landscape
p <- plot_landscape(pseq.rel, method = "NMDS", distance = "bray", col = "Dosage", size = 3)+

Community composition

Dosage at 0,30,60 mpk
ps.sel <- phy_core_sub
ps.sel@sam_data$Drug_batch <- as.factor(ps.sel@sam_data$Dosage )
# plot barplot for each taxon level
for (levels in c("Phylum","Class","Order","Family","Genus")){
  pseq <- ps.sel %>%
    aggregate_taxa(level = levels) %>%
    microbiome::transform(transform = "compositional") %>%
    aggregate_top_taxa(top = 10, levels)

  p.bar <- microbiome::plot_composition(pseq,  sample.sort = "Drug_batch",average_by = "Drug_batch") +
    scale_fill_manual(values = mycols) +
    guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 1)) +
    ylab("Relative Abundance (%)") +
    xlab("") +
    guides(fill = guide_legend(levels)) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold")) +
    theme(text = element_text(size=10,family = "inconsolata")) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, size = 10, face = "bold"))

  ggsave(p.bar, device="svg",
         filename =  paste0("output/structure/figures/composition/composition_top10_all.",levels,"" %+% drug_bash %+% ".svg"), 
         dpi = 300, height = 15, width = 13, units = "cm")
Phylum taxa composition

Class level taxa composition

Order level taxa composition

Family level taxa composition

Genus level taxa composition


data prepare for sPLA-DA


#############################################################  sPLS-DA #########################################################
dir.create("output/spls_da_201902",recursive = T)
# first, set a grid of values to test:
grid.keepX <- c(seq(5, 50, 5))
# if you dont understand what this means, type
# grid.keepX  # adjust this grid as necessary for your own data

# library(parallel)
# this chunk takes ~2 min to run
set.seed(100) # for reproducible results for this code, remove for your own code
gvri.tune.splsda <- tune.splsda(
  X = X,
  Y = Y,
  cpus = 8,
  ncomp = 3,
  logratio = "CLR",
  test.keepX = grid.keepX,
  validation = c("Mfold"),
  folds = 5,
  dist = "max.dist", # prediction distance can be chosen according to tune.plsda results
  nrepeat = 50,
  progressBar = T
# saveRDS(gvri.tune.splsda, file = "gvri.tune.splsda.rds")

# may show some convergence issues for some of the cases, it is ok for tuning


# optimal number of variables to select on 2 comps:
select.keepX <- gvri.tune.splsda$choice.keepX[1:3]
# the sPLS-DA
gvri.splsda <- splsda(X = X, Y = Y, ncomp = 3, keepX = select.keepX, logratio = "CLR")

png(filename = "output/spls_da_201902/SPLSDA_12.png", width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
          comp = c(1, 2),
          ind.names = F,
          abline = T,
          style = "graphics",
          point.lwd = 2,
          ellipse = TRUE,
          legend = TRUE,
          col.per.group = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))],
          title = "sPLS-DA comp 1-2")

png(filename = "output/spls_da_201902/sPLSDA_13.png", width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
          comp = c(1, 3),
          ind.names = F,
          abline = T,
          style = "graphics",
          point.lwd = 2,
          ellipse = TRUE,
          legend = TRUE,
          col.per.group = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))],
          title = "sPLS-DA comp 1-3")

set.seed(200) # for reproducible results for this code, remove for your own code

gvri.perf.splsda <- perf(gvri.splsda,
                         validation = "Mfold", folds = 5,
                         progressBar = FALSE, nrepeat = 50, dist = "max.dist"


# Tax.filter<-tax_table(ps.ordered)
tax_levels<-c("Genus")#"Phylum", "Order", "class", "Family", 
for (i in tax_levels) {
  # i<-"Genus"
  # browser()
  name.var <- paste(Tax.filter[, i], colnames(X), sep = "|")
  png(filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201902/",i, "_sPLSDA_comp1.png"), width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
  res.splsda.plot<- plotLoadings(gvri.splsda,
                                 comp = 1, method = "mean", contrib = "max",
                                 legend.color = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))], name.var = name.var,
                                 size.title = 1.0, ndisplay = 50, size.name = .6, size.legend = 1.2 )
  res.splsda.plot$SampleID = rownames(res.splsda.plot)
  # p
  ggsave(plot= p, filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201902/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".png"), dpi = 300, height = 10, width = 10, units = "in")
  write.table(res.splsda.plot, file = paste0("output/spls_da_201902/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".xls"),sep = "\t", row.names = F,quote = F)
  png(filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201902/",i, "_sPLSDA_comp2.png"), width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
  res.splsda.plot<-   plotLoadings(gvri.splsda,
                                   comp = 2, method = "mean", contrib = "max",
                                   legend.color = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))], name.var = name.var,
                                   size.title = 1.0, ndisplay = 50, size.name = .6, size.legend = 1.2)
  res.splsda.plot$SampleID = rownames(res.splsda.plot)
  # p
  ggsave(plot= p, filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201902/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".png"), dpi = 300, height = 10, width = 10, units = "in")
  write.table(res.splsda.plot, file = paste0("output/spls_da_201902/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".xls"),sep = "\t", row.names = F,quote = F)
  png(filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201902/",i, "_sPLSDA_comp3.png"), width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
  res.splsda.plot<-   plotLoadings(gvri.splsda,
                                   comp = 3, method = "mean", contrib = "max",
                                   legend.color = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))], name.var = name.var,
                                   size.title = 1.0, ndisplay = 50, size.name = .6, size.legend = 1.2)
  res.splsda.plot$SampleID = rownames(res.splsda.plot)
  # p
  ggsave(plot= p, filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201902/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".png"), dpi = 300, height = 10, width = 10, units = "in")
  write.table(res.splsda.plot, file = paste0("output/spls_da_201902/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".xls"),sep = "\t", row.names = F,quote = F)

####### redefine a color palette to make it consistent with the above color palette

color.gvri <- function(num.vector) {
  if (is.factor(num.vector)) {
    num.vector <- as.numeric(num.vector)
  if (!is.numeric(num.vector)) {
    stop(paste("num.vector has to be numeric", call. = FALSE))
  ##### lancet color palette
  mixo.col <- c("#00468BFF", "#ED0000FF", "#42B540FF", "#0099B4FF", "#925E9FFF", "#FDAF91FF", "#AD002AFF", "#ADB6B6FF", "#1B1919FF")
  n <- length(num.vector)
  if (isTRUE(num.vector) > length(mixo.col)) {
      "We only have a few mix.colors available, n <= ",
    ), call. = FALSE)
  if (isTRUE(!is.finite((num.vector))) || (n < 1)) {
    stop("'num.vector' must be an integer vector with positive values.",
         call. = FALSE

##################### Heatmap on outputs of sPLS-DA
png(filename = "output/spls_da_201902/Heatmap_comp1_comp2.png", width = 12, height = 7.5, units = "in", res = 300)
    row.sideColors = color.gvri(Y),
    cluster = "column",
    row.names = F,
    comp = c(1, 2), ## please make sure you choose the right number of components, or keep all components by unticking this line
    margins = c(5, 6),
    # color = colorRampPalette(c("#009E73","white","#E69F00"))(200),
    color = colorRampPalette(c("#0D8CFF", "#43A6FF", "#5EB3FF", "#93CCFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFBBAA", "#FF7755", "#FF6039", "#FF3300"))(100) )

png(filename = "output/spls_da_201902/Heatmap_comp1_comp3.png", width = 12, height = 7.5, units = "in", res = 300)
    row.sideColors = color.gvri(Y),
    cluster = "column",
    row.names = F,
    comp = c(1, 3), ## please make sure you choose the right number of components, or keep all components by unticking this line
    margins = c(5, 6),
    # color = viridis::viridis(1000, option = "D") ## change the palette
    # color = colorRampPalette(c("#009E73","white","#E69F00"))(20),
    color = colorRampPalette(c("#0D8CFF", "#43A6FF", "#5EB3FF", "#93CCFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFBBAA", "#FF7755", "#FF6039", "#FF3300"))(100) )

png(filename = "output/spls_da_201902/Heatmap_comp1_comp2_comp3.png", width = 12, height = 7.5, units = "in", res = 300)
    row.sideColors = color.gvri(Y),
    cluster = "column",
    # comp = c(1,2), ## please make sure you choose the right number of components, or keep all components by unticking this line
    margins = c(5, 6),
    row.names = F,
    # color = viridis::viridis(1000, option = "D") ## change the palette
    #  color = c( "#009E73","white","#E69F00"),
    # color = colorRampPalette(c("#009E73","white","#E69F00"))(20),
    # color = colorRampPalette(c("navy", "white", "firebrick3"))(100)
    color = colorRampPalette(c("#0D8CFF", "#43A6FF", "#5EB3FF", "#93CCFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFBBAA", "#FF7755", "#FF6039", "#FF3300"))(100) )

Biomarker discovery - lefse

In our case, We split our data for pairwise comparison

0mpk vs 30 mpk
   lefse_func(group1 = "0", group2 = "30", phy_new =phy_core_sub, ref = "0", group = "Dosage", batch = "201902")

There are significant difference in groups.

0mpk vs 60 mpk
   lefse_func(group1 = "0", group2 = "60", phy_new =phy_core_sub, ref = "0", group = "Dosage", batch = "201902")

There are significant difference in groups.

30mpk vs 60 mpk
   lefse_func(group1 = "30", group2 = "60", phy_new =phy_core_sub, ref = "30", group = "Dosage", batch = "201902")

There are significant difference in groups.

Drug batch (201905)

Alpha Diversity




Beta diversity

Density landscape
pseq.rel <- microbiome::transform(phy_core_sub, "compositional")
otu <- abundances(pseq.rel)
input_meta <- meta(pseq.rel)
sample_data(pseq.rel) <- input_meta

# visualization landscape
p <- plot_landscape(pseq.rel, method = "NMDS", distance = "bray", col = "Dosage", size = 3)+

Community composition

Dosage at 0,30,60 mpk
ps.sel <- phy_core_sub
ps.sel@sam_data$Drug_batch <- as.factor(ps.sel@sam_data$Dosage )
# plot barplot for each taxon level
for (levels in c("Phylum","Class","Order","Family","Genus")){
  pseq <- ps.sel %>%
    aggregate_taxa(level = levels) %>%
    microbiome::transform(transform = "compositional") %>%
    aggregate_top_taxa(top = 10, levels)
  p.bar <- microbiome::plot_composition(pseq,  sample.sort = "Drug_batch",average_by = "Drug_batch") +
    scale_fill_manual(values = mycols) +
    guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 1)) +
    ylab("Relative Abundance (%)") +
    xlab("") +
    guides(fill = guide_legend(levels)) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold")) +
    theme(text = element_text(size=10,family = "inconsolata")) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, size = 10, face = "bold"))
  ggsave(p.bar, device="svg",
         filename =  paste0("output/structure/figures/composition/composition_top10_all.",levels,"" %+% drug_bash %+% ".svg"), 
         dpi = 300, height = 15, width = 13, units = "cm")
Phylum taxa composition

Class level taxa composition

Order level taxa composition

Family level taxa composition

Genus level taxa composition


data prepare for sPLA-DA


#############################################################  sPLS-DA #########################################################
dir.create("output/spls_da_201905",recursive = T)
# first, set a grid of values to test:
grid.keepX <- c(seq(5, 50, 5))
# if you dont understand what this means, type
# grid.keepX  # adjust this grid as necessary for your own data

# library(parallel)
# this chunk takes ~2 min to run
set.seed(100) # for reproducible results for this code, remove for your own code
gvri.tune.splsda <- tune.splsda(
  X = X,
  Y = Y,
  cpus = 8,
  ncomp = 3,
  logratio = "CLR",
  test.keepX = grid.keepX,
  validation = c("Mfold"),
  folds = 5,
  dist = "max.dist", # prediction distance can be chosen according to tune.plsda results
  nrepeat = 50,
  progressBar = T
# saveRDS(gvri.tune.splsda, file = "gvri.tune.splsda.rds")

# may show some convergence issues for some of the cases, it is ok for tuning


# optimal number of variables to select on 2 comps:
select.keepX <- gvri.tune.splsda$choice.keepX[1:3]
# the sPLS-DA
gvri.splsda <- splsda(X = X, Y = Y, ncomp = 3, keepX = select.keepX, logratio = "CLR")

png(filename = "output/spls_da_201905/SPLSDA_12.png", width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
          comp = c(1, 2),
          ind.names = F,
          abline = T,
          style = "graphics",
          point.lwd = 2,
          ellipse = TRUE,
          legend = TRUE,
          col.per.group = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))],
          title = "sPLS-DA comp 1-2")

png(filename = "output/spls_da_201905/sPLSDA_13.png", width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
          comp = c(1, 3),
          ind.names = F,
          abline = T,
          style = "graphics",
          point.lwd = 2,
          ellipse = TRUE,
          legend = TRUE,
          col.per.group = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))],
          title = "sPLS-DA comp 1-3")

set.seed(200) # for reproducible results for this code, remove for your own code

gvri.perf.splsda <- perf(gvri.splsda,
                         validation = "Mfold", folds = 5,
                         progressBar = FALSE, nrepeat = 50, dist = "max.dist"


# Tax.filter<-tax_table(ps.ordered)
tax_levels<-c("Genus")#"Phylum", "Order", "class", "Family", 
for (i in tax_levels) {
  # i<-"Genus"
  # browser()
  name.var <- paste(Tax.filter[, i], colnames(X), sep = "|")
  png(filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201905/",i, "_sPLSDA_comp1.png"), width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
  res.splsda.plot<- plotLoadings(gvri.splsda,
                                 comp = 1, method = "mean", contrib = "max",
                                 legend.color = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))], name.var = name.var,
                                 size.title = 1.0, ndisplay = 50, size.name = .6, size.legend = 1.2 )
  res.splsda.plot$SampleID = rownames(res.splsda.plot)
  # p
  ggsave(plot= p, filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201905/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".png"), dpi = 300, height = 10, width = 10, units = "in")
  write.table(res.splsda.plot, file = paste0("output/spls_da_201905/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".xls"),sep = "\t", row.names = F,quote = F)
  png(filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201905/",i, "_sPLSDA_comp2.png"), width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
  res.splsda.plot<-   plotLoadings(gvri.splsda,
                                   comp = 2, method = "mean", contrib = "max",
                                   legend.color = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))], name.var = name.var,
                                   size.title = 1.0, ndisplay = 50, size.name = .6, size.legend = 1.2)
  res.splsda.plot$SampleID = rownames(res.splsda.plot)
  # p
  ggsave(plot= p, filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201905/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".png"), dpi = 300, height = 10, width = 10, units = "in")
  write.table(res.splsda.plot, file = paste0("output/spls_da_201905/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".xls"),sep = "\t", row.names = F,quote = F)
  png(filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201905/",i, "_sPLSDA_comp3.png"), width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
  res.splsda.plot<-   plotLoadings(gvri.splsda,
                                   comp = 3, method = "mean", contrib = "max",
                                   legend.color = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))], name.var = name.var,
                                   size.title = 1.0, ndisplay = 50, size.name = .6, size.legend = 1.2)
  res.splsda.plot$SampleID = rownames(res.splsda.plot)
  # p
  ggsave(plot= p, filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201905/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".png"), dpi = 300, height = 10, width = 10, units = "in")
  write.table(res.splsda.plot, file = paste0("output/spls_da_201905/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".xls"),sep = "\t", row.names = F,quote = F)

####### redefine a color palette to make it consistent with the above color palette

color.gvri <- function(num.vector) {
  if (is.factor(num.vector)) {
    num.vector <- as.numeric(num.vector)
  if (!is.numeric(num.vector)) {
    stop(paste("num.vector has to be numeric", call. = FALSE))
  ##### lancet color palette
  mixo.col <- c("#00468BFF", "#ED0000FF", "#42B540FF", "#0099B4FF", "#925E9FFF", "#FDAF91FF", "#AD002AFF", "#ADB6B6FF", "#1B1919FF")
  n <- length(num.vector)
  if (isTRUE(num.vector) > length(mixo.col)) {
      "We only have a few mix.colors available, n <= ",
    ), call. = FALSE)
  if (isTRUE(!is.finite((num.vector))) || (n < 1)) {
    stop("'num.vector' must be an integer vector with positive values.",
         call. = FALSE

##################### Heatmap on outputs of sPLS-DA
png(filename = "output/spls_da_201905/Heatmap_comp1_comp2.png", width = 12, height = 7.5, units = "in", res = 300)
    row.sideColors = color.gvri(Y),
    cluster = "column",
    row.names = F,
    comp = c(1, 2), ## please make sure you choose the right number of components, or keep all components by unticking this line
    margins = c(5, 6),
    # color = colorRampPalette(c("#009E73","white","#E69F00"))(200),
    color = colorRampPalette(c("#0D8CFF", "#43A6FF", "#5EB3FF", "#93CCFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFBBAA", "#FF7755", "#FF6039", "#FF3300"))(100) )

png(filename = "output/spls_da_201905/Heatmap_comp1_comp3.png", width = 12, height = 7.5, units = "in", res = 300)
    row.sideColors = color.gvri(Y),
    cluster = "column",
    row.names = F,
    comp = c(1, 3), ## please make sure you choose the right number of components, or keep all components by unticking this line
    margins = c(5, 6),
    # color = viridis::viridis(1000, option = "D") ## change the palette
    # color = colorRampPalette(c("#009E73","white","#E69F00"))(20),
    color = colorRampPalette(c("#0D8CFF", "#43A6FF", "#5EB3FF", "#93CCFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFBBAA", "#FF7755", "#FF6039", "#FF3300"))(100) )

png(filename = "output/spls_da_201905/Heatmap_comp1_comp2_comp3.png", width = 12, height = 7.5, units = "in", res = 300)
    row.sideColors = color.gvri(Y),
    cluster = "column",
    # comp = c(1,2), ## please make sure you choose the right number of components, or keep all components by unticking this line
    margins = c(5, 6),
    row.names = F,
    # color = viridis::viridis(1000, option = "D") ## change the palette
    #  color = c( "#009E73","white","#E69F00"),
    # color = colorRampPalette(c("#009E73","white","#E69F00"))(20),
    # color = colorRampPalette(c("navy", "white", "firebrick3"))(100)
    color = colorRampPalette(c("#0D8CFF", "#43A6FF", "#5EB3FF", "#93CCFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFBBAA", "#FF7755", "#FF6039", "#FF3300"))(100) )

Biomarker discovery - lefse

In our case, We split our data for pairwise comparison

0mpk vs 30 mpk
lefse_func(group1 = "0", group2 = "30", phy_new =phy_core_sub, ref = "0", group = "Dosage", batch = "201905")

There are significant difference in groups.

0mpk vs 60 mpk
lefse_func(group1 = "0", group2 = "60", phy_new =phy_core_sub, ref = "0", group = "Dosage", batch = "201905")

There are significant difference in groups.

30mpk vs 60 mpk
lefse_func(group1 = "30", group2 = "60", phy_new =phy_core_sub, ref = "30", group = "Dosage", batch = "201905")

There are significant difference in groups.

Drug batch (201906)

Alpha Diversity




Beta diversity

Density landscape
pseq.rel <- microbiome::transform(phy_core_sub, "compositional")
otu <- abundances(pseq.rel)
input_meta <- meta(pseq.rel)
sample_data(pseq.rel) <- input_meta

# visualization landscape
p <- plot_landscape(pseq.rel, method = "NMDS", distance = "bray", col = "Dosage", size = 3)+

Community composition

Dosage at 0,30,60 mpk
ps.sel <- phy_core_sub
ps.sel@sam_data$Drug_batch <- as.factor(ps.sel@sam_data$Dosage )
# plot barplot for each taxon level
for (levels in c("Phylum","Class","Order","Family","Genus")){
  pseq <- ps.sel %>%
    aggregate_taxa(level = levels) %>%
    microbiome::transform(transform = "compositional") %>%
    aggregate_top_taxa(top = 10, levels)
  p.bar <- microbiome::plot_composition(pseq,  sample.sort = "Drug_batch",average_by = "Drug_batch") +
    scale_fill_manual(values = mycols) +
    guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 1)) +
    ylab("Relative Abundance (%)") +
    xlab("") +
    guides(fill = guide_legend(levels)) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 10, face = "bold")) +
    theme(text = element_text(size=10,family = "inconsolata")) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, size = 10, face = "bold"))
  ggsave(p.bar, device="svg",
         filename =  paste0("output/structure/figures/composition/composition_top10_all.",levels,"" %+% drug_bash %+% ".svg"), 
         dpi = 300, height = 15, width = 13, units = "cm")
Phylum taxa composition

Class level taxa composition

Order level taxa composition

Family level taxa composition

Genus level taxa composition


data prepare for sPLA-DA


#############################################################  sPLS-DA #########################################################
dir.create("output/spls_da_201906",recursive = T)
# first, set a grid of values to test:
grid.keepX <- c(seq(5, 50, 5))
# if you dont understand what this means, type
# grid.keepX  # adjust this grid as necessary for your own data

# library(parallel)
# this chunk takes ~2 min to run
set.seed(100) # for reproducible results for this code, remove for your own code
gvri.tune.splsda <- tune.splsda(
  X = X,
  Y = Y,
  cpus = 8,
  ncomp = 3,
  logratio = "CLR",
  test.keepX = grid.keepX,
  validation = c("Mfold"),
  folds = 5,
  dist = "max.dist", # prediction distance can be chosen according to tune.plsda results
  nrepeat = 50,
  progressBar = T
# saveRDS(gvri.tune.splsda, file = "gvri.tune.splsda.rds")

# may show some convergence issues for some of the cases, it is ok for tuning


# optimal number of variables to select on 2 comps:
select.keepX <- gvri.tune.splsda$choice.keepX[1:3]
# the sPLS-DA
gvri.splsda <- splsda(X = X, Y = Y, ncomp = 3, keepX = select.keepX, logratio = "CLR")

png(filename = "output/spls_da_201906/SPLSDA_12.png", width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
          comp = c(1, 2),
          ind.names = F,
          abline = T,
          style = "graphics",
          point.lwd = 2,
          ellipse = TRUE,
          legend = TRUE,
          col.per.group = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))],
          title = "sPLS-DA comp 1-2")

png(filename = "output/spls_da_201906/sPLSDA_13.png", width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
          comp = c(1, 3),
          ind.names = F,
          abline = T,
          style = "graphics",
          point.lwd = 2,
          ellipse = TRUE,
          legend = TRUE,
          col.per.group = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))],
          title = "sPLS-DA comp 1-3")

set.seed(200) # for reproducible results for this code, remove for your own code

gvri.perf.splsda <- perf(gvri.splsda,
                         validation = "Mfold", folds = 5,
                         progressBar = FALSE, nrepeat = 50, dist = "max.dist"


# Tax.filter<-tax_table(ps.ordered)
tax_levels<-c("Genus")#"Phylum", "Order", "class", "Family", 
for (i in tax_levels) {
  # i<-"Genus"
  # browser()
  name.var <- paste(Tax.filter[, i], colnames(X), sep = "|")
  png(filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201906/",i, "_sPLSDA_comp1.png"), width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
  res.splsda.plot<- plotLoadings(gvri.splsda,
                                 comp = 1, method = "mean", contrib = "max",
                                 legend.color = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))], name.var = name.var,
                                 size.title = 1.0, ndisplay = 50, size.name = .6, size.legend = 1.2 )
  res.splsda.plot$SampleID = rownames(res.splsda.plot)
  # p
  ggsave(plot= p, filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201906/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".png"), dpi = 300, height = 10, width = 10, units = "in")
  write.table(res.splsda.plot, file = paste0("output/spls_da_201906/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".xls"),sep = "\t", row.names = F,quote = F)
  png(filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201906/",i, "_sPLSDA_comp2.png"), width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
  res.splsda.plot<-   plotLoadings(gvri.splsda,
                                   comp = 2, method = "mean", contrib = "max",
                                   legend.color = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))], name.var = name.var,
                                   size.title = 1.0, ndisplay = 50, size.name = .6, size.legend = 1.2)
  res.splsda.plot$SampleID = rownames(res.splsda.plot)
  # p
  ggsave(plot= p, filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201906/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".png"), dpi = 300, height = 10, width = 10, units = "in")
  write.table(res.splsda.plot, file = paste0("output/spls_da_201906/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".xls"),sep = "\t", row.names = F,quote = F)
  png(filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201906/",i, "_sPLSDA_comp3.png"), width = 8, height = 6.5, units = "in", res = 300)
  res.splsda.plot<-   plotLoadings(gvri.splsda,
                                   comp = 3, method = "mean", contrib = "max",
                                   legend.color = ggsci::pal_lancet("lanonc")(9)[1:nlevels(as.factor(Metadata$Dosage))], name.var = name.var,
                                   size.title = 1.0, ndisplay = 50, size.name = .6, size.legend = 1.2)
  res.splsda.plot$SampleID = rownames(res.splsda.plot)
  # p
  ggsave(plot= p, filename = paste0("output/spls_da_201906/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".png"), dpi = 300, height = 10, width = 10, units = "in")
  write.table(res.splsda.plot, file = paste0("output/spls_da_201906/splda_",i,"_plot_n",n_componet,".xls"),sep = "\t", row.names = F,quote = F)

####### redefine a color palette to make it consistent with the above color palette

color.gvri <- function(num.vector) {
  if (is.factor(num.vector)) {
    num.vector <- as.numeric(num.vector)
  if (!is.numeric(num.vector)) {
    stop(paste("num.vector has to be numeric", call. = FALSE))
  ##### lancet color palette
  mixo.col <- c("#00468BFF", "#ED0000FF", "#42B540FF", "#0099B4FF", "#925E9FFF", "#FDAF91FF", "#AD002AFF", "#ADB6B6FF", "#1B1919FF")
  n <- length(num.vector)
  if (isTRUE(num.vector) > length(mixo.col)) {
      "We only have a few mix.colors available, n <= ",
    ), call. = FALSE)
  if (isTRUE(!is.finite((num.vector))) || (n < 1)) {
    stop("'num.vector' must be an integer vector with positive values.",
         call. = FALSE

##################### Heatmap on outputs of sPLS-DA
png(filename = "output/spls_da_201906/Heatmap_comp1_comp2.png", width = 12, height = 7.5, units = "in", res = 300)
    row.sideColors = color.gvri(Y),
    cluster = "column",
    row.names = F,
    comp = c(1, 2), ## please make sure you choose the right number of components, or keep all components by unticking this line
    margins = c(5, 6),
    # color = colorRampPalette(c("#009E73","white","#E69F00"))(200),
    color = colorRampPalette(c("#0D8CFF", "#43A6FF", "#5EB3FF", "#93CCFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFBBAA", "#FF7755", "#FF6039", "#FF3300"))(100) )

png(filename = "output/spls_da_201906/Heatmap_comp1_comp3.png", width = 12, height = 7.5, units = "in", res = 300)
    row.sideColors = color.gvri(Y),
    cluster = "column",
    row.names = F,
    comp = c(1, 3), ## please make sure you choose the right number of components, or keep all components by unticking this line
    margins = c(5, 6),
    # color = viridis::viridis(1000, option = "D") ## change the palette
    # color = colorRampPalette(c("#009E73","white","#E69F00"))(20),
    color = colorRampPalette(c("#0D8CFF", "#43A6FF", "#5EB3FF", "#93CCFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFBBAA", "#FF7755", "#FF6039", "#FF3300"))(100) )

png(filename = "output/spls_da_201906/Heatmap_comp1_comp2_comp3.png", width = 12, height = 7.5, units = "in", res = 300)
    row.sideColors = color.gvri(Y),
    cluster = "column",
    # comp = c(1,2), ## please make sure you choose the right number of components, or keep all components by unticking this line
    margins = c(5, 6),
    row.names = F,
    # color = viridis::viridis(1000, option = "D") ## change the palette
    #  color = c( "#009E73","white","#E69F00"),
    # color = colorRampPalette(c("#009E73","white","#E69F00"))(20),
    # color = colorRampPalette(c("navy", "white", "firebrick3"))(100)
    color = colorRampPalette(c("#0D8CFF", "#43A6FF", "#5EB3FF", "#93CCFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFBBAA", "#FF7755", "#FF6039", "#FF3300"))(100) )

Biomarker discovery - lefse

In our case, We split our data for pairwise comparison

0mpk vs 30 mpk
lefse_func(group1 = "0", group2 = "30", phy_new =phy_core_sub, ref = "0", group = "Dosage", batch = "201906")

There are significant difference in groups.

0mpk vs 60 mpk
lefse_func(group1 = "0", group2 = "60", phy_new =phy_core_sub, ref = "0", group = "Dosage", batch = "201906")

There are significant difference in groups.

30mpk vs 60 mpk
lefse_func(group1 = "30", group2 = "60", phy_new =phy_core_sub, ref = "30", group = "Dosage", batch = "201906")

There are significant difference in groups.